

The Madness of Chartrulean is a science fantasy audio drama podcast by Packhowl Media.

In pulls inspiration from Shakespearean tragedy, dark fantasy, classic sci-fi. In terms of story scope and scale, it’s been compared to Frank Herbert’s Dune, Isaac Asimov’s Foundation, and George R.R. Martin’s A Song of Fire and ice.

To live up to its ambition, the show features cinematic sound design, a haunting original score, and the voices of over 50 actors from across 5 continents.

If you are looking for cerebral sci-fi like Dune with a full cast and cinematic sound design, you will most likely enjoy this series.




William Nunn

Magnus Carlssen

W. Keith Tims

The Creative Fund by BackerKit

Jessica Berson

Kevin McEachern

Mary Harnetiaux

AJ Fidalgo

Theodore Albe

Bear Weiter | Pale Matter


Kreenah Dunsmore

Shaun Cepican



Tracey Pettijohn

Pelle Frid

Michael Grossman

Matt Erhart

Liam Gregory

MadCatter (Cat Fleming)

Robin Moreno

Maria Krutova

Steven Cousler

Steph Plant



J. Carlson

Karim Kronfli

Thea JN

Caitlin Jane Hughes

Halloween Eve

Johnathon Markus

Lenurd the Joke Gnome


Sean McG

Chiral Studios

Walter "Blackula Jonez" Thomas

Dr Lou Sutcliffe

Shaun K

Thomas Díaz

Shane McCarthy

Mel Hartman


Nom Blashki

Al Foote

Addi Thespleen Robinson


Lauren Anderson & Meegan May

AJ Churchill

Audrey Martin

M. Smith

Robert Bullivant


Cai Gwilym Pritchard

KD Lynn


Filip Momirovski

Phoebe Seiders

Jonathan Pezza

Chris Gregory

Tristan S

Tim Miller

“Packhowl strives to close the gap between audio fiction and audiences by expanding into visual and interactive media. But most importantly, our goal is to exist as an anchor for the independent artists and creators who make up the world of audio fiction.”

— H.M. Radcliff , Creator of TMoC and Owner of Packhowl Media

Over 40 voices across 5 continents.


The Pack

  • Hannah Radcliff


  • Sean Renner


  • Edward Calvey

    Technical Coordinator

  • Lily Kowalski



Will Fox - Sound Design

Julie Cunningham - Associate Producer and casting

Adam Poole - Contributing artist

Rayven Studios - Contributing artist

Anh Le - Contributing artist

Eric Hibbeler - Contributing artist

Aud Andrews - Casting

Christian Collado - Writing assistance

Nick Price - Sound Mix

Efi da Silva - Production support

Kathleen Klein - Production support

Haley Disterhoft - Sensitivity reader

Special Thanks

Steve Potter

Keith Nussbaum

Angela Dill

Srikant Chellappa

James McKelvey

Vicki Doerr


Mary Harnetiaux

Judy Bagato

Judy Harnetiaux

Steve Heilmer

Jessica Berson

Mr. F

The Mad Catter


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We’d love to hear from you. Feel free to reach out with any questions or comments you might have!